Ratchet and clank a crack in time battleplex
Ratchet and clank a crack in time battleplex


Even in the parts where there's any practical reason for them at all, they're very conveniently navigable.

  • Benevolent Architecture: The grindrails certainly count.
  • The Harbinger's lasers might actually come from the things that it shoots into the ground.
  • Beam Spam: The RYNO IV locks on to enemies and blasts them with this until you let go of the button, while the Harbinger from Deadlocked is actually the targeting system for an orbital laser that rains down blast from the sky.
  • Baleful Polymorph: The Morph-O-Ray, the Sheepinator, the Quack-O-Ray, the Boar-Zooker, the Pork Bomb Gun, the Mootator, the Transmorpher and the Chimp-o-Matic, to date.
  • Played straight in the PlayStation 3 games even though they all take place in the same galaxy and very little time passes between the games.
  • Bag of Spilling: Averted to some degree, as in the second game Ratchet returns to his apartment and picks up some of the items from the previous game, having memory card data from the previous game allows you to obtain weapons from it and Clank still has some of his upgrades.
  • In the Japanese release of Tools of Destruction Ratchet has a slightly-altered character model with green clothing, anime eyes and thick, black eyebrows which brings Ratchet's in-game look into line with the official Japanese art and Ratchet & Clank manga.
  • Or, in this case, Japanese Ratchet is Less Hardcore.
  • American Kirby Is Hardcore: The main characters are a little cuter/more disturbing in Japan.
  • Always Over the Shoulder: The 'Lock-Strafe' mode.
  • One of Merc's random comments in Deadlocked is to ask Ratchet if he's read Chaucer.


    Orvus also makes a reference to baseball during one of Clank's tutorial levels in A Crack in Time. There are a few minor references to Earthly things, though, like Copernicus Leslie Qwark and the Tesla coil (and spikes in A Crack in Time). One line in Tools of Destruction references an 'Andromeda System,' but that's as close as the script gets to Earth.

    ratchet and clank a crack in time battleplex ratchet and clank a crack in time battleplex

    A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far Far Away: Three Galaxies, if you want to get technical.Lampshaded in one cutscene by the Prison Warden in Secret Agent Clank after the many cakes (actually weapons Clank sends to Ratchet disguised as cakes) he gives to Ratchet.Throwing in those makes the calculations a lot more complicated. And assuming you don't count the Bizarre Alien Biology he's stated to have in a E-mail answer to a fan: Lombaxes age five years for every one human year, sort of like a dog, but tend to live a fairly long time. That's assuming that the games' release dates correlate to the passage of time in the games themselves.He's 18 in that game, released at the same time as Deadlocked, so it's possible to work out his age in the other games, too. An unusual example is Ratchet's age, which has only been featured in Jak X: Combat Racing if you had Deadlocked save data on your Memory Card.In A Crack in Time, one can listen to a number of radio stations that broadcast music and news amongst the news items are a few relevant details for long-time fans, including the fate of Angela Cross from Going Commando.He's also referred to as a lombax several times in Up Your Arsenal, mostly by the announcer of the death matches you can participate in.It's also stated in the unlockable concept art of the first game: 'Oh, and in case anyone asks you, Ratchet is a Lombax.' A Crack In Time tries to make up for this by calling him a Lombax at every opportunity.All There in the Manual: Many fans and critics didn't know what Ratchet was supposed to be until the later games were released, but the back of the European boxart for the first game clearly called him a Lombax.

    ratchet and clank a crack in time battleplex


    This series contains examples of Ratchet And Clank A Crack In Time Krell Canyon Skill Points

    Ratchet and clank a crack in time battleplex